A “Titans of Lending” panel moderated by Jennifer Palmer, president of Gerber Finance, and featuring John Brignola (LBC Credit Partners), Andrew McGhee (Alostar Business Credit) and Mike Sharky (MB Financial Business Credit) will be a highlight of this year’s Philadelphia Credit and Structuring Summit on March 22 at the Union League of Philadelphia.
Online registration is now open.
The panel’s theme is “Vision, Success and Growth – Where Are The Opportunities in 2018?”
The second session at the Summit, “Blockchain, E-Commerce Funding & Alternative Financing,” will focus on one of the hottest topics in the lending world right now. And the regular “Views from the Bench” panel will provide an opportunity to hear some of the nation’s top bankruptcy judges speak about current issues.
Judicial Jeopardy! – a unique version of the popular TV game show led by perennial emcee, the Honorable Michael B. Kaplan, U.S. District of New Jersey – also returns to kick off the day. This year’s participants will include pre-selected members of the audience, each with a different pedigree.
The event will be capped by an opportunity to network with friends and peers at the annual cocktail reception held in the storied Lincoln Library.
“The feedback from attendees at last year’s conference indicated it was an unqualified success,” said ABF Journal publisher Jerry Parrotto. “This year’s event should be even more compelling as we have attracted participants who are anxious to share their views on subjects of extreme topical interest. The fact we will have seven, engaged bankruptcy court judges – representing New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware – serves to explain why we had record attendance last year.”
CFA, TMA, NYIC and the ABF Journal co-sponsor the annual summit, which will be held on Thursday, March 22, 2018 at the Union League of Philadelphia. The half-day conference kicks off at 11 a.m. and includes a lavish lunch. Attendees can earn up to five CPE, CTP or CIRA credits and up to three CLE Continuing Professional Education Credits.
Register online at www.abfjconference.com