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ABF Journal
The Leading Independent Publication Serving the Asset-Based Lending, Factoring and Commercial Finance Industry Since 2002. ABF Journal magazine features timely articles, feature stories and other exclusive content themed around topics of interest to asset-based lenders, specialty lenders and other industry practitioners that provide specialized services to this unique community. Subscription for 1 Year and 4 Quarterly Issues – $49
Every issue of the ABF Journal is themed around a core ABL industry topic including: risk management, bankruptcy trends and views from the bench, insights from specialty-lending shops, annual survey and ABL roundtable, cutting-edge solutions from ABL industry service providers, a borrowers’ issue focused on the challenges facing middle-market CFOs, restructuring insights from turnaround managers, plus ABF Journal’s year-end conference and capital markets issue. Click here for the complete editorial calendar.
In addition, every issue of the ABF Journal includes timely cover stories and articles authored by industry specialists, plus our regular features encompassing briefs of the top industry related news stories, exclusive interviews with industry leaders, notable ABL transaction summaries and commentary from our team of contributing writers on turnaround management, legal topics and case studies and other relevant insights from ABL industry practitioners.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Terry Mulreany at 484-253-2517 or e-mail [email protected]