Chris Nielsen joined VERTESS, a healthcare M&A advisory firm, as a managing director.
“I had worked with VERTESS on a previous transaction and knew they had a strong firm. I am excited by the opportunity to broaden my advisory and consulting services and draw upon the experience and depth of the entire team,” Nielsen said. “It was a natural fit for me as a healthcare business advisor. This is a great opportunity that will enhance my ability to better support our clients.”
Nielsen started his career as a securities broker and investment advisor before focusing solely on sellside and buyside transactional work in the healthcare space. He spent the last 20 years as a managing partner of Four Capital.
“After talking with Chris about his background and goals, it was clear we shared a common desire to provide knowledgeable and ethical advice to our clients,” Brad Smith, managing director/partner at VERTESS, said. “Chris brings a wealth of experience that will allow us to expand our reach.”