The International Factoring Association appointed four new advisory board members. Members serve a two-year term and assist the IFA in broadening the public understanding of the uses and benefits of factoring and help to both design training programs and foster new ideas to benefit the IFA’s member organizations. The new members are:
- Bud Crawford, CEO of PrimeArc Capital
- Dean Landis, third-generation owner of Entrepreneur Growth Capital
- Meg Roberson, senior vice president and national sales manager of Gulf Coast Business Credit
- Glen Shu, president of Heritage Bank of Commerce’s specialty finance group
“We are very pleased to have the opportunity to bring the expertise of such a distinguished group of individuals to the advisory board,” Bert Goldberg, executive director of the International Factoring Association, said. “Their insights will be especially helpful now, as the pandemic has taken an incredible toll on the small businesses we serve. They are the ones least able to withstand a prolonged shutdown and will need a funding alternative to bridge the gap until the economy rebounds. Factors are still operating and able to provide crucial cash flow.”
Advisory Board Members returning for the second year of the term include Chris Abel, co-founder of iThrive Funding; John Cummings, founder of ACS Factors; Tania Daniel, managing director at ENGS Commercial Capital; and Gerry Wawzonek, president and CEO of Capital Now.