Category: 2017

Philadelphia Credit and Restructuring Summit: Energized by New Location, Women Exec Panel

The Philadelphia Credit and Restructuring Summit celebrated its 10th anniversary by moving to a new location and adding a panel of women executives to the lineup. Lenders, turnaround professionals and bankruptcy judges enjoyed a round of Judicial Jeopardy before discussing serious matters ranging from possible federal tariffs on foreign goods to the ramifications of the Supreme Court’s ruling on structured dismissals in bankruptcy.

Separating ‘Good’ Business from ‘Bad’ Business: AEG Partners’ Award-Winning Turnaround of Compressor Engineering

Compressor Engineering enjoyed two years of significant revenue as it expanded into new service areas. At the same time, the company started to experience lower profitability and tighter liquidity. Were these issues driven by the expansion or were there other more deeply rooted problems? The company called in AEG Partners, which discovered undetected problems that threatened the very existence of the business. AEG implemented a plan and resulted in a turnaround honored as TMA’s Chicago/Midwest Chapter’s 2016 Turnaround of the Year.