PKF Clear Thinking, a business advisory firm and subsidiary of PKF O’Connor Davies, announced that Patrick Diercks, a partner in the firm, was named plan administrator of Charming Charlie’s confirmed plan of liquidation, effective Nov. 28. Diercks brings nearly 20 years of experience supporting debtors and creditors within the bankruptcy process to the liquidation of the women’s apparel and accessories retailer’s remaining assets.
“Our team’s experience navigating all aspects of the bankruptcy process ensures we are well-equipped to manage the completion of this Plan of Liquidation in a timely and cost-efficient manner,” Diercks said. “Our goal is to anticipate concerns, address issues as they arise and maintain a course of action that produces the best possible outcome for all creditors involved.”
In this role as plan administrator, he is primarily responsible for assisting the various classes of Charming Charlie Holdings, Inc.’s creditors. Specifically, Diercks is tasked with quickly resolving their claims, monetizing the remaining assets of the estate and maximizing the return to unsecured creditors.
Through his involvement, PKF Clear Thinking continues to provide the senior-level representation that is a vital component of all creditors’ rights engagements. The firm’s extensive experience and industry-focused expertise deliver value for all parties involved by driving efficiencies, uncovering opportunities and managing risk throughout the life cycle of each engagement.