Capital Now provided $1.35 million in credit facilities to seven clients located throughout Canada.
Those transactions included:
- $200,000 to an outdoor retailing business in British Columbia.
The company needed to cover costs associated with continued business growth and focus on providing services to fire departments, search & rescue, police, E.M.S, military units, coast guard units, general industry, film industry and others all across North America.
- $200,000 to an Alberta commercial electrician company
The company needed to cover costs associated with rapid business growth while positioning itself for expansion.
- $2000,000 to concrete construction company in Alberta
The company specializes in design and needed to cover costs associated with rapid business growth and expansion.
- $250,000 to a British Columbia consulting company
A recently incorporated business, the company needed to cover costs associated with rapid growth.
- $150,000 to an Alberta Disposal Company
The company manages safe handling, treatment and disposal of oilfield fluids and needed to cover costs associated with rapid growth.
- $150,000 to a construction company located in Alberta
The company needed to cover costs associated with rapid business growth and expansion. It was referred to Capital Now by one of the latter’s current clients.
- $200,000 to an Alberta construction company
The company works with both residential and commercial projects and needed to cover costs associated with rapid business growth and expansion.