King Trade Capital announced a new $500,000 production finance facility provided to a California-based government contractor. The contractor is a manufacturer of armor protection solutions for the U.S. government. The finance facility represents another addition to KTC’s growing portfolio of manufacturing businesses involved in the supply chain of products to the U.S. government.

KTC was introduced to the company by its existing factor that has been providing a small inventory line. Availability on the inventory line was out and additional capital was needed to fulfill the building backlog of release orders and new contracts, a result of recent budget approvals supporting and retrofit projects for the U.S. military.

KTC established a manufacturing finance facility enabling the company to increase its raw material purchases as well as improve payment terms from suppliers. The facility not only provides the added capital needed to fulfill the immediate backlog, but offers enough capacity to support the future growth in contracts and release orders that will result from the recent U.S. budget approvals.