Category: 2015

ABL Roundtable 2015: Profiting Through Headwinds

Regular ABF Journal contributor Lisa A. Miller spoke with five ABL leaders to get the pulse of the ABL outlook for 2015. With an unexpected economic stallout in Q1/14, and the ongoing forces of excess liquidity, tight margins and heavy competition continuing to labor the market, new money opportunities can be challenging. However, optimism abounds as loan growth accelerates, and recent data revealed the banking sector experienced the highest rate of loan growth in 2014 since the economic downturn.

Gift Card Redemption in Liquidation: Weighing Potential Benefits to Creditors

Whether or not to accept gift cards during a liquidation should be decided on a case by case basis. But the blanket refusal to redeem gift cards during GOB sales is becoming more a thing of the past. Michael McGrail, COO of Tiger Capital Group, talks about the advantages and disadvantages of redemption to creditors. Whatever the decision, he says potential impacts to GOB sales should be factored into the overall liquidation strategy.

Vying for Deals in a Specialized Arena — Why Crossroads is Leaving No Stone Unturned

With so many options for borrowers in today’s alternative and specialty lending environments, lenders need to develop a niche and be open to partnering with other financial partners to land new business in the competitive environment. Darren Palestine, director of sales and marketing director at Crossroads Financial, discusses creative solutions in the marketplace and how Crossroads recently worked with a factor to fund a unique deal, taking out the bank position in the process.

FinalCut: GE to Sell Most of GE Capital Assets By 2018

ABF Journal illustrator Jerry Gonzalez provides his take on GE announcing it would create a simpler, more valuable company by reducing the size of its financial businesses through the sale of most GE Capital assets and by focusing on continued investment and growth in its world-class industrial businesses.