Saul Ewing has introduced RAMP (Resources, Access and Mentoring Program), a new firm-wide initiative aimed at providing emerging companies the support and practical direction they need to move their businesses forward.

RAMP takes a multi-pronged, holistic approach to addressing the legal and business needs of startup companies. “Young companies need more than what a lawyer can provide them for an hourly fee,” says Debbie Spranger, chair of the firm’s Business and Finance department. “In some cases, they don’t know what they don’t know. They need someone who has ‘been there, done that’ to help walk them through it – particularly when it comes to fund-raising.”

Understanding that financing is top of mind for most young companies, Saul Ewing will be offering the services of an Investor in Residence (IIR). The firm has engaged Revital Hirsch, an associate at local venture firm SCP Vitalife, to conduct a three to six month pilot of the IIR program, during which her services will be provided free of charge to a few select companies. Hirsch has substantial experience in evaluating business plans and investor presentations, reviewing and negotiating term sheets and modeling the impact of various financing alternatives on capital structure and exit proceed distributions.

Through the firm, she will also have access to databases containing comprehensive information about local and national financing sources and what they are investing in that can be leveraged to provide warm introductions to interested parties.