Year: 2011

Subordination Agreements… Losing the Upper Hand

Here’s something to think about: Does the UCC create a limit on the damages a senior credit presumes it can recover from a junior creditor if the junior creditor breaches? This article addresses a particular circumstance when a senior creditor’s contractual expectation may not be protected vis-à-vis a subordinate junior creditor as a result of the senior creditor’s misplaced reliance on a less than well-crafted subordination agreement.

A Brand-New Ball Game? What Stern v. Marshall Means for Lenders

What’s all this about Stern v. Marshall? Commentators and courts have scrambled to take the Supreme Court at its word, and attempt to limit the impact of the Stern decision. Whether these decisions will stand up under future Supreme Court review, if and when it occurs, is not so clear. Early decisions seem favorable, but it is likely that litigants emboldened by Stern—including those adverse to secured creditors—may probe the limits of bankruptcy court authority.

What Factors Expect… Great Expectations for 2011

The 2011 IFA Business Profile & Performance Survey was distributed to factoring industry members in January 2011. The purpose of this comprehensive study was to provide factoring industry members with information that could be used to benchmark their own individual performance. ABF Journal reviewed the 150-page report to provide readers with a sampling of the data along with commentary gleaned from the survey.

Using Emotional Intelligence in Distressed Assignments… Don’t Forget to Bring Your Golf Clubs

Working with distressed companies is challenging because of the constant need to take action amid uncertainty and stress. Emotional intelligence is a key tool to help navigate these situations and to develop flexible leadership styles that have the highest probability of success. Using emotional intelligence in these situations will improve leadership effectiveness and project outcomes, and will leave a long-lasting impression with clients and stakeholders.